woensdag 4 februari 2015


Pictures by Pim Molemaker
I would like to quote Otis Gibbs from his great podcast Thanks for giving a damn:
 - There are only two people in art that matter: There's the creative individual and the person experiencing it. Everything else is an artificial filter. -
His words exactly cover my perception of The Rocket Swing release party. On Sunday February 1, 2015 thirtysomething people were listening to me and JeeWee Donkers performing the songs from The Rocket Swing in the beautiful art workshop of Suzanne Visscher and Pieter van Slooten. There was art on the walls and on the workbench. The stove was burning. The audience was perceptive (during songs) and cheering (after songs) and JeeWee and I were flying.
My wife Jessica introduced us and compared the event with a Tupperware party. Meant not only to sell a product, but also to inspire people to organize their own party, invite friends and spread the word. I like that idea, because I would like to play this way as often as I can.

Thank you for coming, for listening, for buying the cd, but most of all for your vibes. Special thanks to Suzanne and Pieter for being beautiful hosts and JeeWee for lifting me up.

All we had to do is play and we had wings.

More on:
Suzanne Visscher
Pieter van Slooten
JeeWee Donkers
Otis Gibbs podcast

You can buy The Rocket Swing @ Lucky Dice when you are in the EU
and @ CDbaby when you are elsewhere